Current trail work "weekly" schedule
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:
Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
New trail work schedule available
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:

Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
New trail work schedule available
Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups listed below:

Friday Trail Work Group
- Hitting the Hot Spots!
Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.
Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.
Contact crew leader Paul@cccmb.org to join the email notification list.
Lopez Lake
Tuesday Trail Crew at Lopez Lake
Tuesday morning at 8:30AM January though May.
Meet at the ranger entrance station. Tools will be provided and volunteers can walk or ride their bike to the work site.
NOTE: Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers. For more information contact crew leader Eric:
CCCMB Calendar
Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers

Thanks to so many groups and individuals who help us meet our goals. Our Partners and Sponsors support CCCMB in many ways such as helping with administrative tasks, supporting Bells for Bikes, and donating gift certificates to reward participants at trail work events.
We remain deeply grateful to our volunteers and hope to encourage greater participation with CCCMB to help meet our ambitious goals of creating more than 30 miles of new trail and continuing to maintain existing trails. Winning a gift certificate to a local shop provides the icing on the cake to a satisfying day of trail work and, hopefully, encourages more volunteers to help out multiple times a season.
CCCMB appreciates all you do for our group. Thanks.
San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club (SLOBC)
SLOBC has been a steadfast and generous financial sponsor of CCCMB for over 15 years. The funds it has contributed every year have, in large part, made it possible for CCCMB to greatly increase its efforts and its effectiveness. SLOBC support has allowed CCCMB members to focus all their time and energy on trail maintenance and construction and none on fundraising. Over the years, the SLOBC’s funding has been used to pay for the essential components of CCCMB’s work, including tools, newsletters, workshops, insurance, and advertising. The trails community in general and CCCMB members in particular owe a huge debt of gratitude to the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club.
Atascadero Horseman's Club
Since 1964, AHC has provided families and individuals with horse related events and activities.
We have monthly meetings with educational presentations by outside speakers and enjoy monthly rides and/or camp outs. Universal Trail Rules are our guidelines, and trail courtesy and mutual respect provide a safe and friendly environment for each other, other trail users, and our four-legged companions.
Several times per year we participate with 3CMB and other service organizations in trail workdays, as well as sponsoring our own workdays. Trails that have benefited from our efforts are the Sapwi Trail, the River Road Trail, the Rinconada Trail -- all near Santa Margarita Lake, The Anza Trail and the Jim Green Trail along the Salinas River in Atascadero and the Anza Trail and connectors in Paso Robles. We also host an annual Toys for Tots ride for the benefit of local families.
Backcountry Horesmen of California
Los Padres Unit
The Backcountry Horsemen of California (BCHC) is committed to improve and promote the use, care and development of California back country trails, campsites, streams and meadows; to advocate good trail manners.
We promote to keep the backcountry trails and forage areas open to horsemen on all public lands. We assist in keeping the public informed of the vital need for a clean backcountry. We promote public awareness and interest in the historical aspect of horsemen and stock in the backcountry and to help educate backcountry users on ways to use the trail and forage in a manner that conserves the backcountry resources.
We promote a working relationship with and keep the work and interests of the Corporation before our local, state and federal officials. BCHC partners with other organizations, to name a few, Atascadero Horsemen’s Club, CCCMB as we all have the same common ground to keep our trails safe and educate the public on public lands.
SLOPOST Mission: Working to enhance local open space for hikers, bicyclists, equestrians, runners and walkers who use the trails and community parks in the greater San Luis Obispo region.
SLOPOST works toward the following goals:
To acquire, develop and maintain multi-use trails, including special trails for the handicapped, particularly where local government is slow to accept dedications.
To involve landowners, related organizations and the general public in parks, open space and trails issues.
To educate users to maximize their enjoyment and safety on multi-use trails.
To advise administrators of parks, open space and recreational areas within San Luis Obispo County.