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All upcoming events

See Weekly Workdays Below

Campout Event

On-Going "Weekly" Trail Work Schedule

Consider joining our "on-going" trail work groups below:



Various SLO City Locations


SLO Rangers lead volunteers performing trail maintenance and construction in City Open Spaces.  Work varies from week to week including digging with picks, shovels and rakes; and brush cleanup using rakes, pitch forks and just your hands.  This trail workday is open to all skill levels; tools, gloves and instruction are provided.

Wednesday shifts are consistent and recurring on a weekly basis.


For more information contact: or 




Pismo Preserve

THURSDAY -  Trail Crew at the Pismo Preserve

Thursday morning at 8:30AM January though May

Meet at the main parking lot on the Preserve just off Mattie Rd in Shell Beach.

Tools will be provided.  Volunteers can walk or ride their bikes to the work site depending on the days job.


Contact crew leader John to join the email notification list for work site locations.






FRIDAY -  Trail Work Group

- Hitting the Hot Spots in the State Parks at Cerro Cabrillo and Montana de Oro Trails


Every Friday is a different location in need of a quick fix.

Come out and join this casual working group for good camaraderie and to get some needed trail work done.


Contact crew leader to join the email notification list for work sight time and locations.



of Every


3-6 pm


FIRST SUNDAY -  Work Crew at Morro Bay Bike Park

Morro Bay Bike Park work days are the first Sunday of the month from 3-6 and we encourage you to bring your own tools if possible. We welcome your help for as little or as much time as you can. Every little bit helps.


NOTE: For more information contact Bonnie at:

Please Note: All CCCMB work crew volunteers must read and sign the following:


Volunteer Worker Release Form which will be kept on file by CCCMB for one year. 



Past Events

archived: Trail Work Day at Montaña de Oro

February 2nd, 2019

Superbowl Sunday


We will be working to brush, and repair many trail section of MdO. Light breakfast provided! 


WHERE: Meet at the Spooner Cove ranch house. at 8am.  We know it's early and breakfast coffe/snacks will be provided.  We will be finished around 1pm with plenty of time until kickoff.


WHAT:  Lots of trails in MdO are in need of brushing.  Others need drain repairs and several switchback areas need strengthening.


BRING:  Bring your friends and family. Don't forget to wear gloves, long sleeves and long pants, and sturdy shoes. Water, snacks and sunscreen may also be needed.  We should finish around noon to 1pm.  The public is welcome.


Full Calendar


CCCMB Calendar


Duna Vista Trail - One day completion!


Around 40 volunteers showed up early on Sunday, May 5th, to ride to the far side of Lopez Lake to build a brand new bypass for the Duna Vista Trail.  Some rode bikes, some rode 

horses and others came by boat across the lake with the help of local Park Rangers.  This dig was being monitored by two archeologists and a representative from the Chumash Tribe because the bypass was crossing an area known for past occupation by Native Americans. 


After a short briefing on what artifacts to watch for and a quick training session on how to make bench-cuts a side slope, the group set to work on a four switch-back trail toward the top of the hill.  Some groups dug bench cuts while others followed up with rough trimming as they wound their way to the top.  Within two hours from starting, the trail was cut all the way up.  Lunch was then provided by the Atascadero Horsemen with sandwiches, chips, and drinks, and a raffle was

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